Dorset Show Ground

The Dorset
Show Ground

 junior Bs, JFS & Unafilliated  showjumping 

WEDNESDAY 19th february



unaffiliated arena eventing
saturday 22nd February

Dorset Showground is situated 7 miles from the A303 on the Dorset

Who We Are?

The Dorset Showground is situated 7 miles from the A303 on the Dorset, Wiltshire, Somerset border. We are a family run show centre and our aim is to run friendly well run events with top class facilities.

The Showground is powered by geothermal, solar and hydro power.

We have a fantastic team of people to help at our events who all have the same ethos, to provide a friendly, enjoyable atmosphere.

Shows have been run on our site by Admiral Bellamy and the Dorset Area branch of the BSJA since the 1980s. The Showground is now run by Julian, Shirley & Zara Trim. Julian has been a British Show Jumping member for many years and spent time as a Director of British Show Jumping. He has trained pony club teams who have competed at HOYS and been Chairman of the Mounted Games Association of Great Britain. Shirley is a British Showjumping Judge, Treasurer for Dorset Area BS, the SJ Representative for Dorset County Show and works in the Horse Office for several large County Shows. Zara has a MSc in Equine Science, several horses who jump BS and a full time job (not horsey!)

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